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5 Languages. 1 School.

The International School of San Antonio offers a community, which appreciates and understands the interconnectedness of the world we live in. While ISSA students will choose one target language, they are simultaneously learning about other languages as well. From holidays and cultural celebrations to group projects and cooking classes, we believe it is important that classrooms have the chance to learn and grow with one another. 

ISSA’s international and cultural focus set us apart in San Antonio. Our academic program is centered on the best global practices, incorporating the most effective teaching methods from each language we offer. However, we also focus on what it means to be an international school. Over the course of the school year, we make sure each of our languages has at least one cultural celebration/holiday celebrated throughout the school. This year, all classrooms are learning about Hispanic Heritage Month, Mid Autumn Festival, and Chandeleur. Individual language classrooms will have a lesson about the history and significance of the celebration. This will include a special activity or craft depending on grade level. At the end of the day, students take home something special they made or talked about and, whether this be a mooncake or crêpe craft, it is a great opportunity to share what they have learned with their families. 

In addition to learning about each other’s cultural traditions, ISSA students also come together to work on specific projects. This month, ISSA Primary School students held their annual group math project. As they are currently learning how to count money, they planned to have a charity bake sale. Students from every language group came together to discuss the project and voted on what to make. Then, in their target language classes, they focused on the logistics such as how much materials would cost and what marketing strategies to use. The students came back together to set up and run the bake sale (which was hugely successful). Afterward, they voted for which charity they would like to donate the proceeds. 

The International School of San Antonio offers a variety of languages across its Main Campus, Morning Program at The DoSeum, Saturday Language Classes, and Summer Camps. One of ISSA’s many unique features is the fact that all of these languages are under the same roof, learning the same material, and working alongside one another. At its core, ISSA is a community, which appreciates and understands the interconnectedness of the world we live in. 

If you have any questions about the ISSA curriculum, please email our school director at

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